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Seller's Guide 


1. Prepare Your Home

Evaluate your property and make necessary repairs or improvements to enhance its appeal. Consider tasks such as decluttering, deep cleaning, painting, and landscaping to make a positive first impression on potential buyers.

Looking into a living room from the kitchen island with a glass in the picture.jpg

2. Set the Right Price

Sloan will provide research on local market trends and recent comparable sales to determine a competitive listing price.

3. Market Your Property

Sloan will create a comprehensive marketing plan. This may include professional photography, virtual tours, online listings, open houses, and targeted advertising to attract prospective buyers.

Clean Neighborhood
garden in a house modern.jpg

4. Review and Negotiate Offers

Evaluate offers from potential buyers with Sloan. Consider factors beyond price, such as contingencies, financing terms, and proposed closing dates. Negotiate terms to achieve the best possible outcome.

5. Negotiate Inspection reports

Provide required property disclosures to buyers and facilitate necessary inspections. With Sloan respond and negotiate potential repair request that arise from inspections.

Country House
Rustic house

6. Finalize the Sale

Make necessary repairs, provide documentations to possible lenders, appraiser, and title company.

7. Plan Your Move

Coordinate your moving logistics and prepare to vacate the property before closing. Make arrangements for utilities, forwarding mail, and transferring services to your new residence.

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8. Close the Deal

Attend the closing meeting to sign paperwork and transfer ownership of the property to the buyer. Receive proceeds from the sale and hand over keys and relevant documents.

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